Benefits of ABOTA Membership
In addition to local chapter special events and seminars, all ABOTA members are invited to attend the four National Board Meetings held each year. ABOTA hosts three domestic National meetings and one international meeting annually.
Voir Dire is the award-winning flagship publication of the American Board of Trial Advocates. The magazine is sent to all members of the organization, as well as to state and federal judges and law schools across the country.
All members are permitted use of the official ABOTA logo on their individual biography pages on their websites, as well as letterhead and other correspondence to show colleagues and clients the notable achievement of attaining membership in this organization.
Our e-newsletter provides the accumulating insight of a year’s full-time dedication to serving the interests of ABOTA’s diverse membership across a national landscape of similarly diverse challenges and itineraries.
The ACTBR is a semi-annual meeting of the nation’s most influential jury trial-focused organizations. It articulates a broad-based consensus among the leadership of America’s civil trial bar and is sponsored by ABOTA.
A listing of the ethical and professional requirements for the profession of law. It is an appropriate framing for every office and place of focused litigation preparation.
A code for the maintenance of the independence and integrity of the jury system itself.
In a world where judicial independence is more frequently under attack, ABOTA has established a responsive methodology to defend the Third Branch of Government against ignorance, prejudice and political influence.
The National Office has published a number of toolkits, templates, and other guidelines for local chapter activities.
The Summit was held for the first time in 2005 during the presidency of Donna D. Melby, opening the door to a continuing dialogue of effective measures and practical steps to further our commitment to the Seventh Amendment. The National Office has available copies of the talking papers and articles
The ABOTA Foundation is ABOTA’s charitable education arm dedicated to preserving the Seventh Amendment. The Foundation’s civics and professional education programs spread this message to thousands of student and lawyer attendees each year.
The National President and Officers are always available to respond to your chapter’s invitation to share in your chapter’s efforts to honor our past by preserving our future. ABOTA’s National Past Presidents are also often available to visit your chapter.
There are nine classes of membership, admission to which shall be dependent upon the qualifications listed below.